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MUSIC in the Spiritual Ascent

MUSIC in the Spiritual Ascent - What's a Mark dance without music, What's a soul rounds without drunkenness will surge tunable soluble mortal.

Music. What would the world be without music, surely the world is nothing more than silence. A poet in his poem "that a world without music is definitely less fun". Because it is so. Musiklah that gives color to life in the world, until an artist considered to be the only music that still has a sense of breath and spirit.

Mystics of Music
For the Sufis, music is the road that can unite his soul with the Eternal, the beauty in the beauty, the light on the light, the soul masyuk Fun loved by the creator. Call it the Mark John, with the mediation of music and dance of his soul he climbed the ladder of intoxication (ecstasy) to be all that is mortal and baqa 'lover that he will praise, The Most Beautiful. Not only john who use the medium of music as a means to close and filial with God, but almost all of the Sufi mystic Sufi prior to use intermediaries to guide the soul of music in the spiritual path to climb.

music for spiritualFor a seeker listening to music with understanding and applying it to connect the soul with God. At which time they were able to appreciate the music seriously, they will enter in the presence of God. Thus the seeker will enjoy kotemplasi and secrets are uncovered the veil between the soul and the spiritual. If a student listening to someone sing the song coming of, longing, or the approach to an expected, missed a lot of people, called the signs of a loved one, so as to bring the fire is hiding in it and the longing will arise with the spirit and control of the listener. This is when the spiritual experiences of spiritual ascent would be very likely to occur.

A Spiritualist says that music can provide a refresher of the heart and prevent temptation and anxiety, when the heart is working hard in the spiritual association, the music gives color to strengthen it. And he thinks the purpose of music that can be realized menguhubungkan with God that can evoke a sense of longing and love in Him, so as to give birth to the circumstances in which he appeared and showed his gift behind a real, known only through experience. Mystics such circumstances is called ecstasy (drunken) state is obtained through the mystical music that connects with God is connected between the music and the human soul.
Highest levels in listening to music for a 'gnostic wisdom' to those who reach the stage and the circumstances under which he was aware only of God, he was not aware of his actions and others. Absorbed in a state of consciousness, he jumped into the sea of ​​contemplation. Such a situation is called the Sufis with mortal (a fusion of the self) at this stage of spiritual ascent is a mystic sense into the spirit of God.

Clear that the spiritual ascent, the music is a gateway.

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